Galerie After work
After work Gloria drives to the old mill, where the mill dam has formed a calm and deep lake. Dressed in her white business suit she steps into the water and it all ends in a good swim.
older Gallery, available in the archives and on CD
Galerie Princess
A good part of the small lake is covered by a swimming plant with white flowering, which glitter brightly in the evening light. Dressed in a long red evening gown, Gloria walks through the shallow water and she really would like to be in the middle of that shinning world of flowers.
older Gallery, available in the archives and on CD
Galerie Bathing day at river Rhein
Gloria has blown up her air mattress and goes in sweater, skirt and black leather boots to the stony beach on the Rhein. After a few steps in the water her boots fill up completely and the great fun of a fully clothed swim on the air mattress can start!
older Gallery, available in the archives and on CD
Galerie At the dam
Summertime in the valley of river Nahe! Gloria explores the dam at one of the mills. Clothed in black pants and a red shirt, she has big fun climbing into the small waterfalls and steps of the dam.
older Gallery, available in the archives and on CD
Galerie Summer , sunshine, bathing time
It is summer time. On a nice sunny day Gloria goes to one of the lakes close to the river. The situation there is perfect to take a good fully clothed bath in the warm water of the lake.
older Gallery, available in the archives and on CD
Galerie Red dress
Gloria loves red clothes! In a bright red top with long skirt and black boots, she goes to take a fine bathing in one of the lakes in the forest of the Rhine valley.
older Gallery, available in the archives and on CD
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